The week was filled with fun and events.
Though stressful, it was a great time and a fantastic last Texas week for me (even though we lost the game). I got to spend a lot of time with my friends and the entire Pride.
Our trip to Texas always includes a banquet on Friday night. It’s nice to see everyone dressed up and not sweaty and in athletic gear. Here’s a picture from the banquet of me and my roommates:

From left to right: Ryan, Hannah, Me and Dylan
Source: Myself
We are all in the saxophone section and have been living together since we moved out of the dorms. We’re all seniors and graduating in May! It’s crazy how fast time flies. It seems like just yesterday we all met and were getting ready for our first day of classes. Living with my best friends has given me some of my favorite college memories so far.
After the game we got to go to the fair and eat fried food and people watch.
I got a fried Reese’s and it was delicious.
The lines were ridiculous for some of the food, but so worth it.
Here’s a picture from the fair:
That’s Dylan - one of my best friends. He’s from Oklahoma and he had never seen Big Tex before, so he was super excited to see him this year. I was excited, too, since I haven’t seen the new Big Tex since he burnt down.
When the rest of the band headed back to Norman, I got to stay in Dallas with my parents. It was awesome getting to spend time with them, since this semester I’ve been consumed by schoolwork, my job and organizations. We got to see the Rangers play! It was disappointing because they lost, too...but we still had a great time.
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