Thursday, November 26, 2015

Growth Mindset: Week 14

For this growth mindset challenge, I looked through the growhth mindset memes. This meme really stuck out to me.

Cat Meme. Source: Growth Mindset Memes

Looking for opportunity is something that I've begun to do the past month or so. As I look for internships and/or jobs, it's easy to just let things slip by. I've never been one to actively seek out opportunity Rather, I just let it come to me. By seeking opportunities I've recognized a more rapid growth in myself and in the opportunities I've been able to capture. Without actively seeking opportunities, I now know that I could possibly miss a great one and just let it slip by.
This was useful because it made me actively think about seeking and looking for opportunities. I've been trying to, but this meme and thinking about the growth mindset made me realize that I need to do it even more.

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