Monday, September 14, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 3

The Month of September

I'd like to take this week to share about something outside of school and this class.
Sometimes life and college can get hectic and it's easy to lose ourselves and to lose sight of what's truly important in life.
To me, the important things in life are never things, but people. While things are replaceable, people are not.

 Blood Cancer Awareness Month Logo. Source: LLS.
The month of September is blood cancer awareness month AND childhood cancer awareness month.
These two topics are extremely important in my life and I do my best to share and spread knowledge about them when I can.

Caner is an awful disease that impacts so many people each day. Even if you are not affected directly by having the disease, chances are you have either seen a loved one be affected or know of someone who has dealt with something cancer-related.

Spreading knowledge about these cancers, sharing stories and providing hope is incredibly important and valuable, especially when it comes to the children impacted by these horrible diseases. Cancer can be frightening for everyone involved. Children (and their parents) need hope and strength to fight their disease.

There has been so much done to help and further research recently. More and more children and those affected by blood cancers are able to see another day and to spend more time with their friends and families. The future is definitely bright for cancer research. Months like September help to shed light and spread awareness, which in turn helps researchers and doctors make progress in fighting these diseases.

If you would like to learn more, these sites are extremely helpful and even mention ways in which you can help! There are more ways to get involved than just simply donating money. Spreading hope and love is sometimes the best way to make an impact.

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society:

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital:

1 comment:

  1. This is very honorable of you. I admire that you used your Famous Last Words to raise awareness about Blood Cancer. You've inspired me to do something similar. I think I will dedicate a post per month to raising awareness about an issue that many may not think about. This post puts life in perspective that we shouldn't sweat about the small stuff. Thank you for that.

    I hope your semester is going well and thank you for the inspiration!
